
Bye Bye Night Terrors

peace and calming eo

Oiling session = Bonding + Peaceful nights

My 20 months old DS is a challenge when I talk about sleeping. We set routines, kept the activities low key before sleeping time. However, his nights were rarely restful and he often woke up screaming. Many had told me either he has not played enough or he has played too much.

I tried Lavender essential oil as the first option since it is calming and a natural sleeping aid. It did calm my DS and help him to fall asleep a little bit faster BUT my boy continues to wake up screaming in the middle of the night *sighz*. I continue to search and learned that both Peace & Calming Blend and Gentle Baby Blend are recommended by many parents. Being budget conscience (well, a good quality essential oils are never cheap), I picked Peace & Calming and pray hard that it can work.

The blend is very gentle and fragrant but just 2-3 drops can really fill up the room. Personally, I like to diffuse it so everyone can enjoy the benefits.

Back to my DS, I used P&C on two scenarios :
(1) if DS is still very active and refuse to rest, I would normally do a topical application (swipe under the feet / behind the ears). Everyone in my household knows how much he enjoys the oiling sessions. I must say it is a great way for bonding. Afterall, which child does not enjoy tender loving care & attention from parents. I must say this has helped to set the prelude for a restful night.
(2) if DS is finally resting after some “drama” before I did any topical application, I would just drop 2-3 drops of the essential oil into the diffusing to help him to enjoy a restful night.

DS does wake up in the middle of the night occasionally but he is also quickly to go back into his sleep without the usual screaming (Yippee!). Finally, I can claim more beauty sleep and less battles with stressful screaming nights. Peace !!