How to use

There are 3 main different schools of applications. Read on to understand each application.


1. British Model

The conservative British model teaches small doses of essential oils diluted in carrier oils for massage, targeting for relaxation and relieving stress.


2. French Model

The French model is considered a “medical model”. It uses all methods of delivery to maximize the potential for prevention and therapeutic uses. It prescribes neat (undiluted) topical application of therapeutic grade essential oils. Many French practitioners have also found that injesting the oils  yields excellent benefits.


3. German Model

The German model utilizes inhalation as the mode of delivery, capitalizing on the direct stimulation of center of the brain, and diffusion into the body via the lungs. Researches have shown that the sense of smell can exert strong effects on the brain – especially on the hypothalamus (the hormone command center of the body) and limbic system (the seat of emotions). Some essential oils high in Sesquiterpenes, such as myrrh, sandalwood, cedarwood, vetiver and melissa can dramatically increase oxygenation and activity in the brain, which may directly improve the function of many systems of the body.




Together, these three models show the versatility and power of essential oils. By integrating all three models with various methods of application such as Vita Flex and Raindrop Technique, the best possible results may be obtained.

There is no one best method. In some cases, inhalation might be preferred over topical application, eg increase growth hormone secretion, or balance mood and emotions. In other cases, topical application would produce better results, particularly in physical conditions such as the case of back /muscle injuries or defects. For example, majoram for muscles, lemongrass for ligaments, wintergreen for bones.

The ability of essential oils to act on both body and mind is what makes them unique among the natural therapeutic substances.




Good to read….

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