Month: October 2014

Alternate products – OOS Young Living essential oils

I am sure many are feeling equally frustrated as me with the OOS Young Living essential oils for the last few month. Or is it a sign that many more are now turning to essential oils to improve on our well-being? Young Living has just released their 2015 Product Catalogue and dedicated a page to suggest alternative products for some of the popular oils.

Let us not fret but take the opportunity to explore the alternatives. Sometimes, it just surprise us on what the alternatives can help us better 😉 Keep the goodness going!

Alternative products

Are Essential Oils a costly affair ?

Cost per drop

I used to think essential oils are a costly, fanciful and just for nice aroma for rooms.  Whatever brand really does not matter since it is just to set up a nice aroma for the rooms.

It was till I get to learn more and seeing good results on my family’s well-being that I changed my mind set.  Given the vast usage of the oils, I must say every cent is worth it. Do you know that I only swipe my finger off the orifice of the reducer (dilute with carrier oil where applicable) when I apply on my children, this is barely 1/5 drop. I use 1-3 drops on adults depending on what are the oils called for. Diffusing 5-10 drops is also a regular thing at home for general well being. Do your maths, is it really as costly as what you think?

Essential oils are not miracle products and I am not saying we do not fall sick. I am simply sharing how the oils have helped in lifting the quality of our life.  In fact, I am not a die-hard fan of essential oil, neither am I so hardworking to oil anyone daily unless there is a need for it.  However, it is a fact they have saved me from MANY MANY miserable days from

  • handling a fussy child (peace & calming is my favourite!)
  • helping my children to enjoy faster recovery from flu/cough/phlegm (Thieves, RC, Eucalyptus, Purification)
  • managing digestive issues (you should see how I used DiGize to ease my toddler from a diarrhoea!)
  • coping with allergies and other skin related matter (Lavender, Purification, Melrose, Frankincense, lemon)
  • coping with anxiety situation (Peace and Calming, Valor, Cedarwood)
  • setting up a conclude environment for children that they can concentrate on their study
  • creating a joyful and uplifting environment (Joy)
  • defending ourselves from airborne bacteria (Thieves, Lemon, Clove)
  • strengthening our immune system (Thieves, Lemon, Immupower)
  • Easing and speeding up the recovery from any muscle pains or strains (Lavender, Aroma Siez, Valor)
  • etc etc
My list is just some of the favourite oils I am using for now, this does not represent the the complete list of oils that I can use. In fact, our body changes and so does the need for different oils surfaced. Let us not stress ourselves over them but to enjoy every bit of goodness 😉 I am constantly looking forward to make new friends so we can continue to learn from each other. Cheers!

The body found its balance….

My 6 years old has been suffering from sneezing fits on each and every morning when he wakes up. He has to hold a hanky on his hand, getting ready to cover his nose & mouth. It was really disturbing and yucky when he is sneezing non-stop during the breakfast hours. His nose will be runny if he stayed in an air-conditioned environment for long period of time. On bad days, he has to take anti-histamines medicine.

After learning the the natural anti-histamine properties in lavender essential oil, we tried swiping lavender occasionally to ease his situation (pardon the lazy mummy who was not really diligent about it). Otherwise, we usually diffuse essential oils for wellness purpose (includes Peace & Calming, Purification, Lemon, Thieves, Joy, Spearmint, Thieves, Lavender etc)  Few days back (after months of using essential oils), we suddenly remembered we have not heard his sneezing sound for a while !!

The belief of using essential oils to help our body to find its balance has come true to me. I believe that his body system has  found his own balance. We are finally enjoying the breakfast at peace 😉